Classic Car Insurance Quote

A classic car represents a significant financial outlay but it could also require a great deal of time in terms of upkeep and attention. That’s why classic car owners generally like to take their time when researching and buying insurance cover.

You might well have become disillusioned with the sheer number of insurers and policies and have yet to discover an insurance package that truly reflects the individual needs of your vehicle. A classic car has different requirements to a modern vehicle when it comes to insurance, classic car insurers understand this and hope that their specific policies demonstrate this.

Many people shy away from driving their classic car abroad but some insurance companies believe you should be able to drive your car wherever and whenever you choose. You shouldn’t be put off driving your car simply because of its age. However, you will require some peace of mind that help will be at hand should you have an accident or breakdown while travelling abroad. That’s why some include European and UK breakdown cover as standard in our Classic Car Insurance policy. And that’s not all: cover in EU countries is also a standard feature of most classic insurance policies.